Spice up your Office

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Create a year view calendar to decorate your office wall space and visualize travel plans throughout the year. 

Figma - components, swap instances, color plugins
Print & Production



I was on instagram and came across a reel with a designer who created her own calendar for her office wall. The calendar showed the entire year so that she could see all her travel plans as a whole! I loved the idea but I didn't feel that her design met my needs. There were parts I liked, but parts I felt were missing.

As a designer, I decided it would be a fun project to make my own! 

Necessary Additions

✅ fit my personal brand
✅ colorful
✅ add holidays


As a member of Skillshare, I wanted to brush up on some of my figma skills. This challenge doubled as a decor exercise & skill exercise to keep up on my figma tool skills. 

Designing in Figma


Components + Swap Instances

Using components for calendar styles & swap instances for holidays made the design process fast and versatile. It will also be easier to update my calendar each year. 

Frame 5

Holiday Icons
It was important for holidays to be included on my calendar because I plan a lot of my trips around holidays. I chose to represent holidays with icons to avoid visually competing with my trip information. 

Group 69

Bold Weekends

Weekends were also an important factor when managing my trip information. I chose to differentiate weekends with bold numbering. 




As the first frame on my big blank wall, I decided to do some research with budget, color, size, and spacing in mind. Mockups were helpful to visualize my office area. 

  • natural wood frame
  • 24 x 36 inches

Made with coffee. Filled with creative eagerness. Energized by purposeful design.

Made with coffee. Filled with creative eagerness. Energized by purposeful design.

Made with coffee. Filled with creative eagerness.
Energized by purposeful design.

Made with coffee.
Filled with creative eagerness.
Energized by purposeful design.


Let's work together!

linkedin   |   resume   |   paigespanier@outlook.com   |   let's chat!




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© 2024, Paige Spanier. All rights reserved.

© 2024, Paige Spanier. All rights reserved.

© 2024, Paige Spanier. All rights reserved.

© 2024, Paige Spanier.
All rights reserved.